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Medical Exposure of the Arkhangelsk Region Population. P. 187–194

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Section: Preventive medicine






Anastasiya V. Mironovskaya*/**, Oksana N. Duryagina**, Roman V. Buzinov*/**, Ol’ga N. Popova*, Andrey B. Gudkov*
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in the Arkhangelsk Region (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Anastasiya Mironovskaya, address: prosp. Troitskiy 51, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


This article presents data on medical exposure to irradiation of the Arkhangelsk region population in 2013–2017: the number of dose-generating investigations, individual and collective radiation doses in patients, as well as the structure of medical imaging. The five-year average of the occupational collective dose of medical exposure amounted to 0.75 man-mSv/year, while the individual average effective dose was 0.8 mSv/year. The five-year average of medical exposure of the population amounted to 598.9 man-Sv/year, while the contribution of medical exposure to the total annual dose of the population was 16.9 %. The annual average of radiological procedures per inhabitant of the Arkhangelsk Region is 1.94, which corresponds to the national level. At the same time, the individual effective dose of medical exposure per inhabitant (0.52 mSv/year) is slightly higher than the national average (0.50 mSv/year). We found that computed tomography (33.3 %) and radiography (29.2 %) give the highest dose, while their share in the total number of investigations is 3.2 % and 69.5 %, respectively. The growing use of computed tomography is associated with the increasing popularity of this diagnostic method year after year, as well as with the expanding range of equipment in medical institutions. At the same time, the contribution to the collective dose of special types of investigations with contrast agent injections (angiography, bronchography, etc.) is 1.8 times higher in the Arkhangelsk Region compared to the national average (18.0 % and 9.9 %, respectively). Keeping in mind the growing number of radiological investigations, medical workers are urged to carefully consider the need for referring a patient for these types of imaging.


medical exposure, radiation dose, Arkhangelsk Region, patients, medical workers, radiological investigations, radiation safety
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